Thursday, December 3, 2009

Old Schoolhouse Magazine

We have recently come to the knowledge that our book "We are Different You and Me" has been accepted into the catalog of fine books collected in the Old Schoolhouse Magazine. We are very excited and hope you will take a look at our book as well as many other great Children's Books that are featured there. Thanks again Old Schoolhouse Magazine!!!

We are Different You and Me gets a 10 out of 10!!!

"A Wonderful story that can teach children problem solving skills and how important it is to have friendships with everyone. It is easy to read to young children and the illustrations are colorful and fun to look at."- Review by Kimberly Sorensen of Mount Pleasant, UT

Thank you Kimberly for your review. We will be exclusively featuring all reviews of our book, so we look forward to hearing from you!!

This is not June Morgan :)

This is not June Morgan :)
Frog..from my new book!