Thursday, April 15, 2010

Review of "We Are Different You and Me"©2009

To read the review from the 'Old Schoolhouse Magzine' please click this link or visit
If you have a review you want posted of our book any and all input are greatly appreciated! Any questions, contact me via email at Thanks again!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Old Schoolhouse Magazine

We have recently come to the knowledge that our book "We are Different You and Me" has been accepted into the catalog of fine books collected in the Old Schoolhouse Magazine. We are very excited and hope you will take a look at our book as well as many other great Children's Books that are featured there. Thanks again Old Schoolhouse Magazine!!!

We are Different You and Me gets a 10 out of 10!!!

"A Wonderful story that can teach children problem solving skills and how important it is to have friendships with everyone. It is easy to read to young children and the illustrations are colorful and fun to look at."- Review by Kimberly Sorensen of Mount Pleasant, UT

Thank you Kimberly for your review. We will be exclusively featuring all reviews of our book, so we look forward to hearing from you!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why I wrote the Book!

I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself and why I wrote “WE ARE DIFFERENT, YOU AND ME.” I have eight children, twenty-three grandchildren and at this time six great-grandchildren. Before my youngest two children were out of elementary school, the grandchildren began to show up and that started “GRANDMA’S BABYSITTING SERVICE.” With parents either working or going to college, I spent twenty-six years caring for grandchildren, often seven days a week. If you add the time of raising my own children, that makes fifty years non-stop babies and children of all ages. Most days I cared for ten and twelve grandchildren at a time.

I wrote “WE ARE DIFFERENT, YOU AND ME” after a rough day of refereeing the grandchildren. I wrote a second book (a sequel to the first) for the same reason, which will be published soon.

I hope you, your children and or your grandchildren will enjoy reading and looking at the adorable illustrations done by my son David (third son, seventh child) in the books.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Teacher Reviews!

Teachers in California are reviewing our book! Stay tuned for their comments. Please email me any reviews you may have on my book. We would love to start posting them for everyone to see.



Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Am Published! "We Are Different, You And Me"

Teach Tolerance!
Teach Friendship with those who are different!
Teach children how to get along!

Title: "We Are Different, You And Me"
written by June Morgan
illustrated by David Morgan
published by Good Sound Publishing

Only $5.99
Buy Now!
www.Good Sound

This is not June Morgan :)

This is not June Morgan :)
Frog..from my new book!